Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! which med do I need to stop pain

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    Thanks alot to the forum and the admin that I a have learned a lot and keep learning.

    My story started 6 months ago with pain on my shoulders and throat (too difficult to swallow) and continue with my knees and wrist (hands/fingers). I spent 6 months with wrong diognasis and doctors. At the end 1 month ago, a doctor (orthopedist) tested my UAL and found high. UAL was 7-7,5 before meal and it was 8.75 after 3 hours  having a meal protein rich.

    I got UAL to 6 – 6.5  with diet for 1 week, then 5-5.6 with 150 mg Allop for following week and now 4.3 – 4.6 for 2 weeks. UAL goes well for 4 weeks but my pain still continues.

    My doctor advise to use volteren(diclofenac) for pain and does not advise Colchicine to stop pain.

    I tried;

    Volteren, it works for a while and then does not..

    Indomethacine, it works for a while and then does not..

    Naproxin, it works for a while and then does not..

    Colchicine, it never worked.. (causing vitamine B-12 malabsobtion and I had some problems on my tongue)

    My questions are;

    What do you advise to stop the pain other than above?

    Should I wait  for 3 months with the pain?

    Thank you for your help..




    Pain in shoulder, knees, throat (weird), wrist, fingers and hands MAY be gout, but with a 6.6 mg/dL SUA my guess is that you should consider it NON gout until you get some toe, foot, ankle involvement oe some higher uric acid numbers. Colchicine not working definitely points AWAY from gout.

    From what I see I would nay-say a gout diagnosis.

    Have an arthritis panel run definitely including an ANA. Probably not conclusive unless a LOT of testing is done. Generalized pain is hard to diagnose that's why so many charlatans are getting rich selling fibromyalgia and leaky gut “cures.”  Look towards osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or Lupus…none of them easy to diagnose.

    How about upping the Naproxen to something like a divided 1000 mg./day if you are in a country where it is OTC?

    There are stronger narcotic pain meds like oxyxodone, hydrocodone, codeine. Talk to your doctor about more potent pain relievers if the pain is brutal.


    Thanks for your replay Zip2,

    I had lots of tests and MR, films and the doctor said that I am not rhematoid arthrists.

    But I will try it again for diagnosis.. What is the open name of “ANA”

    If it is a Gout, can we say colchicine will definetely work or it depends on the body response.

    I will back to Naproxen 1000mg/day.. is it ok 500 mg in 12 hrs? 



    Ekes- Colchicine is pretty well specific for gout- probably if it didn't work you may not have gout.

    If your medics are wary of intrusive treatments you may not have taking enough at the right time.

    It's not a painkiller anyway, except indirectly, via reduction in immune response to high SUA reactions which is part of the gout sequence.

    On your other query, I use CoCodamol [Codeine+ Paracetamol] in the fizzy tabs- but low dose, 1/2 tab at a time due to its high sodium, and my BP.

    To be straight- pain is your bodies way of telling you to stop what you're doing wrong- so rest is a good thing….also ensure adequate fluid intake and no alcohol.

    The gout [or RA] has built up over a long time  and, being hereditary, is not going to go away. Management is the key and lifestyle has a longer term benefit than plain meds, if adjusted correctly.[The body has a habit of adapting to many meds.]

    The other thing to mention is that high SUA doesn't mean automatic gout- many people live with high SUA levels without a problem and further as Zip says- the toes and feet are pretty well always implicated in gout, initially.


    If it is gout, coclchicine will show very good results. That statement may not be 100% correct but it's pretty close. Back in the old days before blood tests, MRI's, X-rays, specialists, if you had foot pain they gave your colchicine (made from crocuses.) If it worked you got your gout diagnosis. If not, they called it rheumatism. 🙂

    The medical term for the ANA test is ANTI-NUCLEAR ANTIBODY test. It can point to many auto-immine diseases, many of which can cause joint and muscle pain. Tied to CRP (C-reactive protein) and several other tests, more light might be shed on inflammatory disease. There are a lot of false positives with some of these tests, so dont get frightened by any one

    Here's a good link…../a/ana.htm

    (I once got a 1:320 ANA and got white with fear thinking I might have Lupus (becasue I had a couple other markers also…retest showed a completely normal ANA)

    Ask for your records ekes, any good doctor should have tested your ANA level in a RA workup…you are entitled to all your lab results.


    boblewis8787 said:

    … Zyloprim Generic Allopurinol is used to treat gout, high levels of uric acid in the body caused by certain cancer medications, and kidney stones uric acid may cause gout attacks or kidney stones

    I suggest you evaluate your statements, boblewis8787. Make up your mind: Is uric acid caused bykidney stones or does uric acid cause kidney stones ???Confused

    [GoutPal: quote of sales pitch removed – yes boblewis8787 is a spammer trying to flog cheap drugs. He brings shame on the good people of India]  Are you a sales rep for Zyloprim?


    boblewis8787 said:

    Allopurinol is used to treat gout, high levels of uric acid in the body caused by certain cancer medications, and kidney stones. Correct

    High levels of uric acid may cause gout attacks or kidney stones. Correct

    No confusion there Hans.  The clue is in the commas Wink


    Zyloprim was the original patented name for allopurinol when it was discovered while searching for agents to treat cancer. Prometheus and Smiith Kline continue to market it under a couple brand names. 

    This advertised joint sells
    “generic Zyloprim” which is a misnomer because it is either BRAND NAME Zyloprim, or the generic, allopurinol. That's like saying “generic Bayer aspirin.”

    It also costs exactly 10 times as much as I pay (at Target Pharmacy) for 90 x 300mg. (I pay $10…they want $99.99.)


    Well guess that takes care of thatWink Thanks Zip. NEXT


    trev said:

    Yeah, Odo- and it's STILL a sales pitch !  Wink

    Don't know nuffin about that; my inner punctuation-pedant was responsible for my previous post Laugh


    odo said:

    boblewis8787 said:

    Allopurinol is used to treat gout, high levels of uric acid in the body caused by certain cancer medications, and kidney stones. Correct

    High levels of uric acid may cause gout attacks or kidney stones. Correct

    No confusion there Hans.  The clue is in the commas Wink

    Odo, comma or not, I read that high levels of uric acid is caused by kidney stones, which I don't think is Correct. Yes, I know that uric acid may cause kidney stones.

    And Zip seems to have confirmed my suspicion.


    Sorry, but you read wrong. The sentence lists three things Allo is used for: 1. gout 2. High SUA caused by cancer meds and (comma) 3. Kidney stones.

    Clear? Wink


    odo said:

    Sorry, but you read wrong. The sentence lists three things Allo is used for: 1. gout 2. High SUA caused by cancer meds and (comma) 3. Kidney stones.

    Clear? Wink

    Thanks Odo for setting me straight.Embarassed

    (Google helped: Allopurinol (Brand names: Aloprim, Zyloprim)
    Allopurinol is used to treat gout, high levels of uric acid in the body caused
    by certain cancer medications, and kidney stones. Allopurinol is in a class of
    medications called xanthine oxidase inhibitors. It works by reducing the
    production of uric acid in the body. High levels of uric acid may cause …
    Side effects – How to take – Precautions – Dietary Instructions – Missed a dose


    I have gotten relief from the pain by taking Aleve (Naproxen)…..PMH0000526

    It doesn't get rid of 100% of the pain, but it makes the pain manageable… I take 2x220mg every 4 hours and then taper off as the pain subsides. BTW, I have had gout pain in my shoulder and it was unbelievably painful. I sympathize with you!

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